With Halloween imminent, it’s the perfect time to share scary stories. Setting aside the traditional tales of ghosts and ghouls, we’d like to offer some spine-chilling scenarios from the realm of commercial real estate. So, settle in, pretend it’s a dark and stormy night, and prepare to be terrified by these chronicles of real estate gone wrong.
1. The property that won’t sell.
You’ve put what you perceive as a hot property on the market, but no one is showing any interest. What’s driving prospective buyers away? What if you can’t sell it? These questions keep you up at night. If you find yourself starring in this scary story, this blog entry covers potential reasons why your property isn’t selling and how to increase its appeal: 5 Reasons Your Commercial Property Is Not Selling
2. The building bought without an inspection.
You’ve acquired a commercial property you’re excited about and were so eager to close the deal that you decided to forgo a thorough inspection. Now you’re realizing something is wrong with your seemingly perfect purchase. The plumbing and roof need significant repairs that will come at a steep price.
To avoid finding yourself in this horrifying situation, conduct a thorough inspection of any property before buying it. Our commercial building inspection checklist will help ensure you cover all your bases.
3. The commercial lease with hidden fees.
You’ve found the ideal space for your business and eagerly signed the lease. Afterward, you realize you didn’t read the document as thoroughly as you should have. It turns out you’re not only responsible for rent but also fees for insurance, maintenance and utilities. With mounting dread, it dawns on you that your ideal property isn’t nearly as affordable as you first thought.
It’s vital to review all the details before signing a lease. To make sure you receive the best possible deal, check out this blog entry: Negotiating a Commercial Lease? Don’t Forget These 5 Essential Tips
4. The horrifically bad broker.
You’re beginning to lose hope in the commercial real estate broker you’re working with. It’s taking forever to find the right property because they’re unresponsive and seem to know nothing about the local real estate market.
Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or rent, you want a professional and experienced guide on your side. To avoid the horror of realizing you’ve chosen a lackluster broker, review this guide: What to Look for in a Commercial Real Estate Broker
5. The unsustainable property.
Opening your utility bills sends a chill down your spine. How are your bills so high? Your energy inefficient commercial building is destroying your wallet along with the environment. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid energy consumption cost jump scares. This blog entry should help if you want to make your property greener: How to Make a Commercial Building More Energy Efficient
If you want to avoid these chilling commercial real estate scenarios, the Avalon Realty Associates team is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals can assist you with property management, real estate brokerage, tenant representation, property investment and development.
Start today by visiting our Contact Us page, calling 847-506-1000, or emailing info@avalonreal.com.